In such uncertain times, trying to plan a strategy may seem scary. With the need to adjust and pivot so quickly, it’s normal to have a “why bother” attitude toward strategic planning.
The fast-paced changes that the pandemic brought about have left you on the continual need to stamp out fires and even at odds of how to proceed for a thriving future.
If your organization hasn’t revamped your vision recently, it’s likely you’re attempting to limp along with the day-to-day with an outdated plan. Now is the perfect time to pause and develop your strategic plan.
The BEST way to move forward is to recognize that a strategic plan isn’t something that you create once, then let it collect dust on a shelf. Your well-spent time in evaluating the strengths you, your team, and your organization has right now coupled with the vision of the future is a great start on jumpstarting growth.
Then, as you create a process to refer to your strategic plan often and adjust when needed, you’ll see an upward trajectory with fulfilling your organizations mission.
Your strategic planning doesn’t have to be a daunting process. It should be inspiring, invigorating, and even fun. Here’s how to take the scare out of planning your strategy.
Select a Planning Team
Although you may have great ideas, selecting a diverse group of individuals from your organization will draw out perspectives you never even thought of.
Think Big
Allow focused time for big-picture thinking of what could be. If you cut your strategic planning short in between solving the problems of today, you’ll never fully see where you can go. Consider taking your strategic planning sessions off-site to allow for uninterrupted future thinking.
Think About Implementation
No matter how wonderful the plan is, it won’t do any good unless it’s implemented. Implementation turns your plans into actions to accomplish your strategic objectives. In your planning phase, always consider the how.
Hire a Facilitator
When you have the assistance of a trained professional, with no emotional investment in the outcome of the plan, you gain better footing for success. The impartial third party will help you concentrate on the process and can ask tough questions and address issues that team members may fear bringing up.
Make Strategy A Habit
Although it’s a good idea to have off-site planning retreat sessions, discussions surrounding strategy shouldn’t be forgotten on a day-to-day basis. Focus on accountability and results. Evaluate if adjustments must be made.
Connecting You with More
Get started in your strategic planning by downloading our free Action Plan template.
Connect for More can help create a custom program suited for your unique organizational needs. From assessment reports and summaries, online or in-person meeting facilitation, to hands-on liaison work, we can connect you with the right resources you need to achieve your mission.