Tampa, FL



The 15th Annual Women in Leadership & Philanthropy Fall Symposium celebrates women who are transformational leaders through their volunteer, professional and philanthropic contributions. This half-day event includes a networking breakfast, concurrent sessions and a dynamic lunchtime keynote address by Gretchen Carlson. Journalist, author and advocate Gretchen Carlson paved the way for #metoo with her historic 2016 sexual harassment complaint against her former boss, the chairman of Fox News. Named one of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World,” Carlson is a Stanford- and Oxford-educated former Miss America, recognized author of New York Times bestsellers Be Fierce and Getting Real, and is one of America’s most successful news anchors and a globally recognized advocate for women’s empowerment.

Cherry Bekaert’s 2019 Tampa Not-for-Profit Seminar

We are pleased to announce Cherry Bekaert’s 2019 Tampa Not-for-Profit Seminar! Join us for an engaging and educational seminar on current topics in the nonprofit world; including A&A, tax and legal updates; technology and leadership best practices.


Consultants & Coffee- September

Consultants & Coffee takes place every first Wednesday of the month.
These workshops are facilitated by our President and Lead Consultant, Liz Wooten-Reschke.
The purpose of these 2 hour workshops is to share, discuss specific topics, socialize and network with other consultants.

This event is free of charge.

Why Single Parenthood Feels a lot like Nonprofit Executive Leadership
Why Single Parenthood Feels a lot like Nonprofit Executive Leadership

There are very few of us who enter into marriage or parenthood, with the assurance that we are one day going to be single parents and/or divorced. In fact, most of us enter into both with hearing that challenges are ahead for both endeavors (if we even listen to them), but still think we’ve found the one who can make the challenge either navigable or non-existent.

I’ve seen many nonprofit CEOs or Executive Directors enter into this role the same way. They hear the challenges (burnout, isolation, disenchantment, difficult boards, staffing issues) and think “I’ve finally found the one (mission) that can make it all worthwhile.” Or they ignore the challenges altogether thinking they can make it work with their team of board and staff because the love (of mission) will conquer all. Read More “Why Single Parenthood Feels a lot like Nonprofit Executive Leadership”

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